
Fall Challenge 2023

Higher protein intake helps with weight loss

Benefits of Pilates

Being Active Reduces Your Chance of Dying by 35%

What exercise burns the most body fat?

Exercise-Induced Muscle Cramps

Pilates has the highest likelihood to reduce chronic low back pain

Prenatal & Postpartum Exercise

Chicken Spaghetti Squash Alfredo

Chicken Pad Thai

The Thermic Effect of Whole vs Processed Food

Focusing on Your Health & Wellness for Longevity

Using Macro Tracker Apps for Fat Loss – How Helpful are They?

Same Exercise Routine or Change It Up?
Gluten Free Dairy Free Banana Bread

Strong core = reduced low back pain
One high quality article showed that after 6 weeks of mat Pilates training or 6 weeks training with Pilates equipment (equipment includes: tower or trapeze table, reformer, barrel, and chair), participants with chronic low back pain had similar improvements. However, with these participants the studies demonstrated that equipment based Pilates sessions showed better and longer lasting results than with mat Pilates. So while mat Pilates is definitely amazing, several studies report that equipment Pilates produces superior results. AMAZING!

Goal Setting and It’s Importance

Exercise Reduces Stress
High Protein Chicken Noodle Soup