
Weight Gain During the Menopause

Higher protein intake helps with weight loss

Strategies For Weight Loss or Maintenance

Vitamin D & Omega-3s to Prevent Muscle Loss
Recent studies have revealed that vitamin D levels are positively correlated with muscle mass, strength, and physical performance in older adults. A meta-analysis by Antoniak and Greig indicated an additive effect of resistance exercise and vitamin D3 supplementation improves muscle strength in older adults. Between 70-97% Canadians demonstrate vitamin D deficiency, this seems to indicate why it's difficult gain and maintain lean muscle mass.

Protein Intake for Muscle Loss Prevention
Last week I wrote about a condition called sarcopenia, which is age-related muscle loss. Sarcopenia is associated with increased risk of falls, disability, poor quality of life, and premature death. It’s preventable by eating the right amount of protein, getting enough vitamin D and omega fatty acids, and resistance training 2-3 times weekly.

The Mystery of Fat Loss
Not everyone has fat loss goals, and I promote loving your body regardless of size. And with obesity, people can reduce their health risks by simply exercising (I cite the study below). But many clients do have the goal to lose weight, and I wanted to dispel a few fat loss myths with some science.

The Importance of Exercise Recovery: Step 5 Nutrition
In this post I explain how what we eat (whole foods) and what we don't eat (processed foods) are equally important.
What we eat is so critical for our exercise recovery. I could write a book on it...well many people have. I am going to stick to the basics for this post.

Knowing our somatotype can be very helpful when trying to get healthy.

What’s the best diet? Paleo? Vegan? Keto? Atkins? Zone? The list goes on...
I often answer “the best diet is the one that you can maintain long term.” This is such a complex discussion. And really there is no right answer as to whether there is one diet that works for all people. Well….maybe one right answer: whole foods. Selecting most of the food you eat from whole sources, meaning minimally processed, feeds your body the nutrients it needs and keeps it healthy.

Registry Tracks Successful Losers of Weight
The National Weight Control Registry is a database that tracks successful "losers" of 30lbs or more and who have maintained that loss for over one year. ACE's book writes that this registry "has uncovered an abundance of tried and true tips to help people lose weight and keep it off".