Same Exercise Routine or Change It Up?

In the fitness world we often question whether it’s best to keep changing up your workouts or stick to the same routine.

If we look at two very different athletes -CrossFit and powerlifters- we see the two extremes.

CrossFit athletes change up their workout variables every single day, whereas powerlifters repeat the same movements over and over (squat, bench press, deadlift).

The researchers of this particular study I came across recently decided to examine this very question (cited below). They compared the effects of a lower-body resistance training program that did not change any of the usual training variables (same program day in day out) to another lower-body resistance training program that constantly changed training variables.

What were those variables? Load, volume, muscle action, and rest periods.

What did they discover?

Both types of training programs were able to increase very similar amounts of lean muscle within the four month study. So whether you like to change up your routine or like to do the same thing every time, there was no difference.

In my opinion, this is GREAT news! This means you can pick what YOU enjoy doing. As CONSISTENCY is what matters most for desired outcomes.

Just to note with this study the intensity was the one variable that was constant with both groups. The intensity was taken to failure or to near failure, meaning completing enough reps to fatigue or almost fatigue per each muscle group. The level of intensity is important - the exercise needs to be challenging, moderate to vigorous intensity.

I hope this provides inspiration to do what you love and enjoy your movement! All purposeful movement is HEALTHY!


Angleri V, Damas F, Phillips SM, Selistre-de-Araujo HS, Cornachione AS, Stotzer US, Santanielo N, Soligon SD, Costa LAR, Lixandrão ME, Conceição MS, Vechin FC, Ugrinowitsch C, Libardi CA. Resistance training variable manipulations are less relevant than intrinsic biology in affecting muscle fiber hypertrophy. Scand J Med Sci Sports. 2022 May;32(5):821-832. doi: 10.1111/sms.14134. Epub 2022 Feb 7. PMID: 35092084.

Amy Goeldner

Certified Comprehensive Pilates Teacher
ACE, NASM, BCRPA Personal Trainer
ACE, BCRPA Group Fitness Instructor
ACE Seniors Fitness Specialist

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