Why Pilates is Amazing - Part 5: Flow & Precision
Several weeks ago we began our journey to find out what Pilates is exactly and why it’s so amazing for our bodies. If you missed Part 1: Intro, you can find the article here.
As a quick recap: Pilates has a set of principles that we can apply to our Pilates practice, but also to our daily life:
Awareness (proprioception)
Balanced Muscle Development
Flowing Motion
Three weeks ago the blog explored Awareness and Balanced Muscle Development, please head here to read the article. Two weeks we dove into Breath and Concentration, please head here to that read article and to receive a 3 minute guided video on Pilates 360 breathing. Last week we investigated Muscular Control & Centring (core muscles), click here to read article and participate in a 30 minute mat sequence where the focus is to activate our inner unit during stabilization exercises while maintaining neuromuscular control.
This article marks the end of our exploration of the 8 principles of Pilates with Flow and Precision.
All movements in Pilates are meant to be done with a sense of rhythm and flow. Flow creates smooth, graceful, and functional movements. Of course, our practice doesn’t start that way, however, with a committed routine over time our muscles develop the strength and endurance to flow well.
In Pilates, flow can be understood as the timing of muscle recruitment (activation). For each movement there is an optimal muscle firing sequence. When this is not executed habitual incorrect movement patterns can result, often because certain muscles become overused while other muscles are underutilized.
I found a concise Joseph Pilates quote that speaks about the flow he intended: "a few well-designed movements, properly performed in a balanced sequence are worth hours of doing sloppy calisthenics or forced contortion."
Think about a skilled athlete, like Michael Phelps. He recruits the correct muscles in a certain sequence that makes his swimming movements seem effortless. He didn't always have that smooth flow, it took years of practice and coaching.
This principle is one of the reasons there is a big difference between Pilates vs other styles of exercise. Precision is the ability to perform exercises with optimum alignment (within your ability), along with conscious control, mixed with just the right amount of effort.
To be precise in our Pilates practice we need to strengthen our skills of concentration, control, and centring. Without practicing with awareness and precision Pilates movements can become almost meaningless (however any movement is better than no movement!). Without a level of control and precision, a practitioner may be moving with momentum and/or using their joints instead of challenging their muscles.
Here at Pilates Life Studio we consider the Pilates method to be important enough to take the exercises seriously. With this respect for Pilates we add a good amount of flowing fun thrown into the mix, never judging or critical when the practice may be imperfect at times, only deep caring and support for each client through their individual Pilates practice journeys :)